
Add chart method present in worksheet component. By default the anchor is at 1,1 aka A1 cell.

Basic Code Sample

Worksheet worksheet = excel1.AddSheet("Line Chart");
		cellIdStart = "A1",
		cellIdEnd = "D4"
	}, new LineChartSetting<ExcelSetting>()
		applicationSpecificSetting = new()
			from = new()
				row = 5,
				column = 5
			to = new()
				row = 20,
				column = 20

LineChartSetting Options

Contains options details extended from ChartSetting that are specific to line chart.

LineChartDataLabel Options

Contains options details extended from ChartDataLabel that are specific to line chart.

LineChartSeriesSetting Options

Contains options details extended from ChartSeriesSetting that are specific to column chart.

LineChartLineFormat Options

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